Diet for peritoneal dialysis
What is peritoneal dialysis?
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) involves removal of toxins by utilizing the natural peritoneum membrane of the abdomen. The peritoneum of the abdomen acts as a filter to flush out the toxins of the body. Peritoneal dialysis is of two types – continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and automated peritoneal dialysis. This dialysis is performed daily.
What kind if diet is recommended for patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis?
Generally, patients on peritoneal dialysis do not have several dietary restrictions like hemodialysis patients as the PD procedure is performed daily and hence, there are less chances of accumulation of dangerous waste products. Hence, PD diet is more liberal than HD diet. However, PD patients require additional 10 - 20% proteins than HD patients.
What are the differences between HD and PD diet?
In PD, usually fluid and salt do not need to be restricted; however, this largely depends on the patient’s blood pressure and edema status. Dietary potassium is generally unrestricted; however, diet advice should be altered according to serum levels. Usually, higher intake of phosphorus can be tolerated by PD patients as compared to HD patients.