Diet post kidney transplant

  • What type of diet should be taken post kidney transplant?

Diet for first six weeks post kidney transplant:

Nutritional demands of the body are different during the first 4 - 6 weeks post kidney transplant.

  1. During this stage, body requires higher proteins as well as calories for healing purpose. Hence, 
    1. Prefer first class proteins like egg whites, milk and milk products like paneer, curd, etc as they can be better utilized by the body.
    2. Other non-veg sources like fish, chicken, mutton, etc can be taken. You will require the help of your Renal Dietician to exactly know in what quantity it can be taken.
  2. Fluid does not need to be restricted post-transplant, however, in case of lower urine output, it may require restriction.
  3. Salt intake should be individualized as per your blood pressure and status of swelling/ edema. This will be decided by your Nephrologist and a Renal Dietician can educate you how to space up the amount of salt decided by your doctor as per your preferences.
  4. You may not need to restrict the amount of potassium through diet. The amount of potassium to be taken depends mainly on the medications that you are on.
  5. Strictly refrain from eating outside food.
  6. Avoid eating raw items, for example, salads, fruits, etc, instead prefer steam boiling these items as this helps minimize any chances of infection.
  7. Due to your medications, you may feel hungry very frequently; hence, you should eat small frequent mini meals at regular intervals.
  8. If you are on insulin post-transplant, avoid sugar, jiggery or honey completely. If you are not on insulin, however, you have been facing problem of rising blood sugar, you need to follow a diabetic diet.
  • Diet post six weeks, post kidney transplant:

  1. After six weeks, you may be asked to decrease the protein intake as per your body demands.
  2. Calorie intake also needs to be adjusted as per the body weight. In some cases, decreasing the calorie intake may be required in order to slow down the pace of weight gain.
  3. A high fiber diet helps in providing satiety (feeling of fullness), also at the same time does not contribute calories and helps in reducing blood sugar levels. High fiber foods are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, whole pulses.
  4. Exercise should be a part of daily regime to maintain fitness levels.



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